Pez Disco : consejos básicos de mantenimiento
Consejos básicos para el cuidodo del es Disco o Discus .
Tanto si eres principiante, aficionado o todo un profesional de la acuariofilia, el cuidado del pez disco siempre es algo que a todos nos supone un gran reto y disfrute.
Conocido como el rey de Ios peces de acuario, este pez a inundado de color miles y miles de acuarios dejando foscinodos a todos los que por un momento quedan ante ellos.
El cuidodo de| pez disco siempre es algo que a todos nos supone un gran reto y disfrute
No solo se trata de su forma. sino también de sus multiples colores que fueron posibles tras cruzas genéticas y adatacion. Ofreciendo actualmente una gran variedad que los hace realmente espectaculares.
Tener peces disco es una de Ios grandes pasiones que suponen un esfuerzo en su cuidado y que querernos transmitirte mediante estas claves para su buen mantenimiento.
Tener peces disco es una de Ias grandes pasiones acuaristas.
Pero a la vez requiere bastante conocimiento porque son delicados respecto al ph , temperatura, calidad del agua (nitrogenados, amoniaco y sistema bacteriano benéfico) y estrés , pues de estar estresados están expuestos a ser enfermados , parasitados y dejarán de comer.
Como primer paso, necesitamos saber de cuanto espacio vamos o necesitar, para ello tendremos que tener en cuenta de 40 a 50 litros por pez adulto y 25 por juvenil.
Con estos datos ya podemos ser previsores y obtener el acuario necesario para montenerlos en las mejores condiciones posibles.
El disco es un pez que se siente muy comodo viviendo en grupo de su misma especie, siendo al menos 6 o mas especimenes un buen numero de comienzo para que se sientan tranqui|os y protegidos por el resto de los peces disco. ( es estrés afecta muchísimo a esta especie recuerdenlo)
Los peces disco estan clasificados corno peces amazónicos y tropicales de agua caliente, por lo que debernos mantener Ia temperature del agua en un rango de 28°C .
En el caso del pez disco Heckle o discos con tratarnientos de enferrnedad, deberemos mantener Ia temperatura en 30°C.
En el caso deI pez disco Heckel (salvaje )requieren ph de 5 a 6 y mayor temperatura o en discos con tratarnientos de enfermedad la temperatura del agua debemos mantener en 30°c.
La temperatura tenemos que preverla antes de la creacion de nuestro acuario, calculando que estas elevadas temperaturas no seran soportadas por todos Ios
habitantes y plantas de acuarios, con lo que recomendamos especies provenientes de su mismo biotopo, con los mismos parametros , calidad de agua y temperatura.
Acondicionamiento del agua. Química dell agua:
Es sumamente importante prestar atencion al ph y kh del agua que estamos utilizando para los cambios de agua.
Los peces disco pueden ester relativamente habituados al agua del grifo ( ph mientras no supere ph7 ) especialmente si han sido criados en tiendas cercanas a nuestra localidad.
Ph ideal es 6,5 con un ph 7 se baja con troncos y muchas plantas así estarán cómodos y los ácidos tanicos bajarán el ph a 6,5 con el tiempo..
Para no poner en rlesgo la salud de estos son muy importantes los test.
El agua de grifo puede se útil si tiene los parametros adecuados para discos ph 7 o menor. O se deberá ocupar buffer para bajar el ph si es alto o agua de ósmosis.
Los peces disco no toleran fuertes aumentos de pH, por lo que se debe controlar y más de usar agua de ósmosis que el kh o tampón Buffer se mantenga siempre sobre 4 para evitar fluctuaciones del ph .
Para todo esto son imprescindibles los test de ph y de ser necesario de kh
También claro y muy importante es que el agua este ciclada o tenga un sistema bacteriano benéfico óptimo para reducir amoniaco a nitratos. Y preferentemente muchas plantas que reduzcan nitratos pues está especie es muy delicada respecto a tóxicos nitrogenados.
Caudal del agua: El movimiento del agua en nuestro acuario no debe ser demasiado fuerte, sino que debe proporcionar una Ieve corriente.
En este caso y más todavía debemos tener en cuenta que Ios discos rnas jovenes no deben ester expuestos a fuertes corrientes de agua.
Cambios de agua:
Estos deben ser frecuentes g regulares a fin de reducir nitratos y nunca mayores a 30% semanal normalmente. ( sacar mucha agua reduce el sistema bacteriano y provocaría nitritos).
Un buen programa de cambio de agua para el pez disco, seria de 25 % a 30 por semana con intenso sifoneo. ( ojo al cambiar el agua , si el agua nueva está fria descargarla por goteo o con manguera de 5 mm nunca toda de golpe porque provocaría un golpe térmico que acarrearía Ich para los discos . ICH
El pez disco necesita agua de maxima calidad, conseguirla nos ayudara en su. mantenirniento. para ello deberemos tener un sistema de filtrado que nos asegure el perfecto estado del sistema bacteriano benéfico y filtración.
También un sifoneo intenso para reducir materia que se hará amoniaco es muy necesario y/o poner muchas plantas para asimilar estos desechos.
Compatibilidad o compañeros de acuario:
El mejor compañero de un pez disco es tener más peces discos aunque existen especies que pueden vivir con ellos si el espacio es suficiente.
sus caracteristica principal es que Ios discos tienen preferencia por alimentarse en la parte inferior del acuario, lo que Ios hace mas propensos a recoger Ios parasitos intestinales y a estar expuestos a la transmisión de enfermedades de otras especies.
Por ello de introducir otras especies se deben tratarlas en cuarentena con antiparasitarios previamente. Así como a los discos de vez en cuando preventivamente con medicamentos que no afecten las colonia bacteriana benéfica.
De agregar otras especies se debe asegurar les sobre espacio y que sean del mismo botopo ( compatibles en ph temperatura y agresividad) conviven con Escalares , tetras ( siendo criados juntos y controlando tamaño), ciclidos enanos, etc...
La alimentacién del pez disco es pieza clave en su salud y aspecto. por lo que pondremos especial atencion para una alimentacién variada y equilibrada.
Una base de granu|os especificos corno son los alimentos para ciclidos enriquecidos con harina de Iombriz y Ios vegetarianos (este ultimo siendo un gran suplemento para todos Ios peces de agua dulce o salada], Ies aportara fibra vegetal y Ias vitaminas y nutrientes esenciales, sin olvidamos de que a estos peces hay que ofrecerles también varios tipos de alimentos que podemos encontrar congelados como Iarvas de mosquito, mysis, mezcla para disco y gusanos.
También carnes como atun o merluza, mejillón sin cáscara , yema de huevo batida y hervida en trozos .
MUY IMPORTANTE es recordar que son propensos a ser atacados por parásitos internos por lo cuál toda comida viva, carne o comida disecada o liofosilizada de insectos o gusanos es mejor curarlos con agua hirviendo por si trae parásitos.
Es preferible alimentarlos varias veces al día en poca cantidad y variando alimentos siempre, buscando los que más les guste y sean más sanos
En el momento de la reproduccion. lo mas indicada es separar a la pareja del resto del grupo en un acuaria de 80 a100 Iitros,(con su misma agua y parámetros , salvo temperatura a 30 grados) , de forma que Ios alevines encuentren a sus padres con facilidad y no haga problemas con la alimentacion. Su instinto desde el primer momento es permanecer unidos, siempre cerca unos de otros, tanta para su proteccion como para su cuidado.
Autor : Anibal Centeno Ortiz de Querétaro, México
Y Mariano Rodríguez de Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina
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- 1. | 29/03/2025

- 2. | 26/03/2025
with the drive to study and the patience to observe by way
of. A critical consideration in weightlifting is the connection between mobility and stability.
You may not suppose incredible flexibility and massive muscle tissue go together, but the superb
world of weightlifting is right here to show you mistaken.
When it involves fitness and power coaching, there are numerous options to choose from.
From practical health to powerlifting, yoga, or
bodybuilding, it is straightforward to get overwhelmed
by the variety of obtainable workout routines and strategies.
As an athlete’s diploma of health steadily rises, they
begin to tackle a performance form with a rise in preparation of a characteristic like volume.
The longer the lifter maintains his athletic form, the extra training is completed.
Up To Date weightlifting is a difficult speed-strength coordination sport.
Lifters with smaller palms may just prefer a thinner shaft for
comfort. Not unusual among specialty bars, the entire TB-2 is powder-coated.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with that,
but simply know that after you start sliding plates
on and off, you’ll instantly see imperfections on the sleeves.
The Duracote chemical process creates a pleasant black end whereas additionally
growing the steel’s exterior hardness. Bushings
are a quite common mechanism on multi-purpose bars
since they allow you to perform a variety of movements and are less costly than needle bearings.
Composite bushings are among the greatest type of bushing due to their performance, durability, and look from the inner collar.
This Olympic weightlifting beginner program is designed to be three days
per week. We don't suggest coaching 3 days in a row by a beginner weightlifting workout.
On your relaxation days, attempt to plan restoration activities,
corresponding to massages, or sauna. For beginners who lead busy lives, finding
time for a workout could be challenging, however Olympic
weightlifting presents a time-efficient answer. Moreover, pause squats enhance squatting mechanics,
strengthen the core, and encourage mobility,
which helps to manage the bottom a half of the squat.
It is recommended to take a 3-second break in the backside position.
In The End, it is a high-quality competitors, IWF-certified Olympic weightlifting barbell at a
fraction of the cost of other premier barbell manufacturers like Eleiko.
Kyle Risley founded Lift Vault in 2016 to make finding great powerlifting programs easier.
Since then, the site has grown to include hundreds of programs
for power, bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting, and more.
He at present lives in Massachusetts and continues to compete in powerlifting.
They made this one with the assistance of Pyrros Dimas, the 3-time Olympic gold medalist.
Chewy is a once-in-a-lifetime purchase (with a price to match ) – it’s
grippy and stiff, with premium finishes and a balanced spin. The Gunner is a
budget barbell that doesn’t really feel like it,
primarily due to the insane power (235K PSI) and the combo
of stainless steel bushings and bearings in the collars. And the Rogue
Ohio is actually one of the best Olympic bars for CrossFit.
Along those self same traces, understanding the varied diameters and their influence over the bar’s whip is
necessary. Shaft diameter is the largest indicator of whip –
not tensile power.
Regardless, now we will actually study what Olympic weightlifting is.
Nevertheless, it may be very important be aware that Olympic weightlifting is a difficult sport, and novices ought to at all times begin out
slowly and progress progressively to avoid injuries. Many
novices find that the sense of accomplishment
and excitement they expertise throughout weightlifting classes keeps them motivated and engaged in their
fitness journey. This versatility makes Olympic weightlifting a perfect choice for novices who will not be certain of their particular health targets but.
While Olympic weightlifting could seem daunting at first, it emphasizes correct approach
and mobility.

- 3. | 26/03/2025

- 4. | 24/03/2025

- 5. | 22/03/2025
Deadlifts have at all times sat upon the precipice between greatness and controversy.
An undoubtedly primal move that can assist you to display
brutal full-body power, pulling has possibly turn out to be too
in style in current years — and you’ll discover plenty of reasons not to do the move at all.
The market is flooded with choices relating to dietary supplements for muscle progress.
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on your wants. Nutrient timing entails coordinating your meals, snacks, and
dietary supplements together with your exercise schedule.
For example, consuming a meal about two hours earlier than exercising and distributing high-protein meals every few hours ensures
that your physique gets the vital vitamins it wants for optimal performance.
This is probably the most number of Americans on one group since the
2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Nothing is ever sure, however we
would expect some fireworks from this group. After a hiatus of four years from worldwide weightlifting, Kaiser Witte has returned to the scene.
VHS tapes with Spandex-covered hosts litter thrift retailer cabinets,
and YouTube has untold 1000's of "rawk star abs" videos…with the hosts nonetheless in Spandex.
To assist you to wade via this world of six-pack-building content material, BarBend has selected the 12 greatest belly workouts
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BarBend is supported by a staff of over 70 consultants, contributors, researchers, photographers, and athletes from around the globe.
This podcast is the perfect companion for experts and
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bodybuilding, where athletes push the boundaries
of physical potential by maximizing muscle gain while sustaining
minimal body fat. However, as the Eighties drew to a detailed,
the sport of bodybuilding discovered itself embroiled in the mounting issues surrounding steroid utilization in mainstream sports activities.
For a comprehensive information on effectively making use of nutrient timing to enhance muscle development, including pre-sleep vitamin suggestions,
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You don't need to focus on your chest whereas neglecting your legs.
Singh Dhillon will vie for the 120-kilogram International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) deadlift report on the 2023 IPF Worlds.
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an additional 10% on the subsequent evolution of
ellipticals. Nobody is saying you shouldn’t deadlift, but should
you simply need to construct extra muscle, you might need
to rethink your focus. If you would possibly be unfamiliar with the fundamentals of
this system, or you’ve simply never dipped your toe into the waters of serious barbell training,
this guide to the joys of the 5x5 is the proper place to begin. Bringing
up your ab sport doesn’t have to take the same amount of technical skill as
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Beneath, we’ll get you began with some suggestions
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(Unless you’re in finance or politics, by which
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Discovering a tested and all-inclusive workout that fits your needs could be challenging.
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It’s not onerous to create a great bodybuilding workout
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Here are one of the best plans in your chest, back,
shoulders, arms, and legs. From a time-cost perspective, warming as a
lot as, then executing, a multi-set workout with heavy deadlifts runs the clock down in your
training time faster than turning over an hourglass.
The lack of specificity, a short (or non-existent) eccentric part, and overspecialization also can make the deadlift a
poorer possibility for hypertrophy.
Whether your aim is muscle acquire, fat loss, or improved athletic performance,
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Every week, the BarBend Podcast brings together a variety of the world's greatest energy
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And in case you had been wondering, Staff
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The 2023 Pan American Weightlifting Championships begin this week in Argentina.
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This exercise focuses on training your core from each angle and isn’t
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Inderraj Singh Dhillon could be an underrated powerlifting determine right now.
But primarily based on his recent 385.8-kilogram (849.8-pound) deadlift document, that label won't final long.
You’re not going to change your faith based on fasted gainz, but you would possibly be able to structure your coaching better to account
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We partnered with Diamondback Fitness to create a comprehensive buyer's
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each last inch of your back, we have damaged down one of the best muscle-building exercises on your chest, again, shoulders,
arms, and, in fact, legs. Some of the results may be surprising, and whether or not or not fasted training has deleterious results on your results might have more to
do together with your training objectives. The basic 5x5 program has performed
a big part within the rising reputation of heavy lifting in recent decades.
But in reality, core workouts include much more than the six muscles popping
off the oiled physique of your favorite Marvel film hunk.
Having robust muscular tissues within the decrease again and hips helps with posture and total body power, and they can’t be ignored just because you
need a abdomen pump. Through information coverage, training and nutrition content,
product reviews and extra, BarBend is your personal home for all issues strength.
Mass gainers are a practical solution for those
looking for to bulk up, enabling elevated calorie consumption without needing to overeat continuously.
Inderraj Singh Dhillon refers to himself as a "bearded warrior" on his
Instagram profile. And if you watch the powerlifter compete,
you'll understand that moniker is an understatement. Six of seven Team USA Olympians — including Mattie Rogers, Kate Vibert,
and Meredith Alwine — all count on to compete.
Sign in or signal as much as follow reveals, save episodes, and get
the latest updates. Increasing calorie consumption is
essential for these aiming to maximise muscle dimension, but
implementing this strategy may be difficult. Eventually, consuming countless servings of hen, broccoli,
and rice becomes daunting.

- 6. | 21/03/2025

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